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Friday, April 7, 2017

Update Family Tree Maker 2017

Think Twice as the saying goes...

Caution, if you are/were a User of Ancestry's FTM2014, which since last year is now in the hands of MACKIEV Software for continued Updates/Upgrades for FTM2014.1 by Mackiev and recent announcement pre-31 Mar 2017 regarding a New FTM 2017 to have been released as of 31 Mar.

My communication with Evgen, Senior Product Manager, Family Tree Maker after receiving 2 e-mails Subject: FTM 2017 BETA TESTING dated 6 Apr 2017

FTM2017 was scheduled to be released 31 Mar 2017, as far as I am aware, FTM2017 has not been released as of this writing 7 Apr 2017.

Consequently My FTM-2014.1 of 3 versions since its release 2016, is useless without Synchronization


My Feedback to Mackiev Reference FTM2014.1

Since what set out to be an upgrade from Ancestry's FTM 2014, and a user of FTM since its origin, now has me at a standstill since I upgraded to Mackiev's FTM2014.1, with 2 additional updates since, of which supposedly if the update 501 was successful, I did not need to install update 510.

Since I may not use every facet of the FTM Program, as to a possible issue, I downloaded and install update 510.

However, I received the Big Announcement of FTM 2017 in the works, to have been released 31 Mar 2017, which has not as this writing 7 Apr.  And as a result my upgraded Ancestry FTM2014 to MacKiev's FTM2014.1 as of prior to 31 Mar 2017, is no longer able to Synchronize without the FTM2017 Upgrade.

So I am not a Happy Camper and dedicated a webpage to my Mackiev FTM2014.1 experiences of 5 months of its use.

D.R. "Doc" Young -